(714) 777-3377

Did We Mention Postal Savings?

In addition to bringing best-in-class pricing, rate structures and optimized carrier agreements to our parcel clients, Alexandretta has partnered with trusted postage providers to bring discounted postal rates to our clients — saving both time and money.

Save up to 41.2% on qualified shipping costs

Our discounted rates represent over 127 million packages shipped per year

97% faster delivery than Amazon Prime
Based on Priority mail delivery time versus Amazon Prime delivery time.

Guaranteed 2 and 3-day – Using a bi-costal shipping model

Engage optimized dimensional pricing strategies

Partner with trusted PC postage providers and implement specialty rates directly

Ship to over 136 countries and territories 

Fixed annual rates ( no monthly tier pricing ) and no weekly or monthly service charges

Optimized Savings

By leveraging our unique postal partnerships, expertise and high-volume shipping rates, we help clients save an average of 20% on e-commerce shipments. 

Analyzer Tools

Our cutting-edge tools, combined with our robust analysis, enable us to determine precise areas of opportunity for postal savings as compared to your tier-based parcel pricing.

Inverted Dimensional Pricing

Where you pay the lesser amount between size and weight—to reduce shipping costs.

No Contacts/No Fees

Qualified shippers pay no fees and have no contacts; yet benefit from both dimensional and non-dimensional pricing. And no postal agreements are needed to access the rates and savings.

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